Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Daftar Aplikasi Gratis untuk Mempercepat Proses Download

Anda mungkin pernah mengalami download video-video dari google video, youtube atau file-file berukuran besar lainnya dengan kecepatan yang sangat lambat, dan untuk download satu file aja bisa membutuhkan waktu berjam-jam meskipun anda menggunakan jasa provider internet yang paling baik sekalipun. Hal itu disebabkan oleh download manager standar built-in yang ada di browser anda. Anda dapat mempercepat kecepatan download jika anda menggantinya dengan download manager baru. Berikut review software aplikasi tersebut.

Windows Download Manager (Download Manager untuk OS Windows)

Download manager ini cukup cepat (beberapa sumber, mengklaim kecepatannya 50% lebih cepat daripada download manager built-in standar), selain itu software ini mudah digunakan. Software ini gratis.

DL Expert
Download manager ini menyediakan fitur multithreading, scheduling, auto close, integrasi dengan clipboard, integrasi dengan internet dan banyak lagi.

Download Accelerator Manager
Fitur yang ada dalam layanan ini termasuk dukungan proxy, scheduler, kemampuan untuk download link dengan redirect, indikator manajemen ruang di hard disk/media penyimpanan lain, fitur auto shutdown, juga integrasi dengan internet explorer, firefox, opera, netscape, mozilla, avant, dan maxthon.

Download Accelerator Plus
Aplikasi download cepat bagus dengan banyak fitur-fitur yang tidak akan kamu temukan dimanapun, seperti file hredder dan pembersih cookie/history/temp. Aplikai ini dapat terintgrasi dengan internet explorer, firefox, opera, netscape, dan mozilla.

Download Commander
Manager menarik dengan fitur multithread dan dapat berintegrasi dengan internet explorer.

Download Express
http://www.metaproduct.com/mp/MetaProdu … xpress.htm
Bagi anda yang memiliki komputer dengan resource internet terbatas sekitar di bawah 680 Kb, anda dapat menggunakan aplikasi ini untuk mempercepat download anda. Software ini juga dapat berintegrasi dengan Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Seamonkey, dan Flock.

Download manager ini memiliki fitur dukungan terhadap rangkaian file, multile location dan site spidering. Download manager ini juga mendukung media protokol RTSP dan MMS dan juga BitToreent dan eDonkey P2. Flashget ini dapat terintegrasi dengan Firefox, Opera, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, NetScape, Avant dan Maxthon.

Free Download Accelerator
http://www.download.com/free-download-a … /3000-2071
Program download manager basic/sederhana dengan kemampuan mempercepat download hingga 800% lebih cepat daripada download manager built-in.

Fresh Download
Download Manager ini menyediakan fitur scheduler, clipboard monitor, antivirus scanning, dukungan proxy, ekstraktor zip, dan integrasi dengan browser internet explorer, firefox, opera, netscape, avant, maxthon, dan slim. Selain fitur-fitur ini masih banyak lagi fitur lainnya dan yang paling hebat adalah software ini gratis, meskipun fitur dan kemampuan yang ditawarkannya lebih bagus daripada shareware.

Gigaget merupakan aplikasi download manager dengan kelebihan validasi integrasi auto data koreksi, dukungan MMS, RTSP, dan flash.

LeechGet adalah program termudah untuk digunakan dalam daftar review ini. Fiturnya banyak sekali, seperti download otomatis, mengulang dan memperbaiki hasil download yang rusak, timer download, hang-up dan shutdown otomatis dan juga integrasi dengan internet explorer, mozilla dan opera.

Download manager NetLeech ini mendukung proxy, file spitting, file filter, file sorting dan integrasi dengan internet explorer.

Tidak hanya dukungan dengan protokol standar HTTP(S) dan (S)FTP, tetapi juga mendukung MMS, RTSP, dan protokol media streaming PNM dan protokol eDonkey dan BitTorrent P2P. Juga integrasi dengan internet explorer, firefox dan opera.

Dukungan protokol yang ditawarkan download manager ini adalah HTTP(S), FTP, Metalink, RTSP, PNM, MMS, Nss, RTMP, download video langsung seperti dari YouTube, musik dari situs seperti Pandora dan download file dari situs seperti RapidShare. Download manager ini bekerja dengan internet explorer, firefox, netscape, opera, dan maxthon.

SimpleDownload ini merupakan manager sederhana dengan dukungan fitur seperti file sorting.

Download manager ini memiliki dukungan HTTP/FTP, proksi, ZIP previewing, dll. TrueDownloader dapat terintegrasi dengan internet explorer, firefox, dan mozilla.

software ini merupakan wGet front-end dengan dukungan skin dan integrasi dengan internet explorer

http://www.download.com/wackget/3000-20 … ag=lst-1-7
WackGet ini merupakan aplikasi download minimalistik dan dapat terintegrasi dengan internet explorer.

Download manager yang cukup cepat dengan fitur drag n drop, multithreading, batch downloading dan banyak lagi.

SUmber : http://sumber-sumber.blogspot.com/searc … mprehensif

Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010

Promo Buku pelajaran Murah


10 buah Buku hanya Rp. 50.000,00 GRATIS ONGKIR!!!

*khusus untuk yang berdomisili di Kota Bandung


di bawah ini adalah contoh drama bahasa Inggris.


At Kikie’s home (Kikie & Bowo)

Kikie : Bowo, can you help me?

Bowo : What can I do for you? Do you find something difficult?

Kikie : Yes, look at this number. Can you do it for me?

Bowo : Hmm.. Wait a minutes.

Kikie : Yes Bowo, I’m always waiting for you

Bowo : Sorry?

Kikie : No, no nothing

Bowo : Finally. I’m done

Kikie : How to do it Bowo?0

Bowo : Like this.. First….

Kikie : Thank you so much Bowo you have help me

Bowo : You’re welcome Kikie, I’m very glad to help you

Kikie : I hope we can do the best for the test tomorrow

Bowo : I hope so..


Next day, at school…

Kikie : Bowo are you ready for the test today?

Bowo : Yes I’m ready for it

Gina : Bowo I don’t ready for the test today, because I still I need more study

Farah : How about you Kikie?

Kikie : I don’t know… But.. Bowo I have a newest comic of Crayon Sinchan. Have you read it?

Bowo : Oh ya? I want to see it please..

Kikie : This is it. I had finish to read it

Bowo : O ya? Wow amazing!

Kikie : You can borrow it Bowo

Bowo : Wah thank you so much Kikie, you are so kind

Saddam & Laksmana coming

Laksmana : Hey what are you doing?

Kikie : We just talking about this comic

Saddam : Be careful, you will be fall in love.. haha..

Kiekie : What are you talking about Saddam?

Laksmana : I hope it will be true

Kikie : Shut up!

Bell is ringing at school. Kringgg Kringg..

Indah : Good morning students!

Student : Good morning ma’am

Indah : As I said last week, today we will held a test. Are you ready?

Farah : Not yet ma’am. Don’t held the test now. Ya? Please..

Indah : You will never ready if you don’t study may dear..

Farah : Yah.. Ma’am..

Indah : Ok, let’s start the test

Bowo & Kikie make a discussion

Indah : Hey! Kikie, Bowo! It isn’t working in a group!

Kikie : no ma’am.. We just..

Indah : No reason! Stand in front of the class! Your score is zero! I will tell it to your parents, especially YOU clever student! (Point toward to Bowo)


At Bowo’s home..

Fazrin : Bowo come here please!

Bowo : What happen daddy?

Iren : We got a bad report from your teacher, Mrs. Indah. She said you cheating at the test at school.

Fazrin : Is that right Bowo?

Bowo : No dad, it was just my friend who cannot answer the question. So, I help her

Iren : That is same Bowo

Fazrin : Bowo, forget your problem. It’s ok. You know, for a few moments you will get national examination

Iren : It means you will graduate from senior high school

Fazrin : you mom and me want you to continue your study at abroad school

Iren : We have prepare to saving money when you still at elementary school

Bowo : Yes daddy

Fazrin : So, you must study harder from now!

Iren : I don’t want hear a bad report from your school

Fazrin : Understand Bowo?

Bowo : Yes daddy I’m understand


Next day at school

Laksmana : Hey what are you doing guys?

Saddam : I’m reading Crayon Sinchan, I don’t know what Bowo doing is, He thinking something

Laksmana : Let’s disturbing him!

Saddam : OK!

Laksmana : Hey Bow, what are you thinking about?

Bowo : Hey you disturbing me you know!

Saddam : Any problem Bow?

Bowo : No..

Saddam : Or maybe you are falling in love with someone

Bowo : Mmmm..Mmmm..

Laksmana : Be honest Bow!

Saddam : Ya, we are you friends Bow!

Laksmana : We will help you Bow

Bowo : Ya, I’m falling in love with our classmate

Laksmana : Who?

Saddam : Is she Kikie?

Bowo : Mmmmh…

Saddam : Be honest bow..

Bowo : Yes my friends. I’m falling in love with Kikie

Saddam : So, when will you tell it to Kikie?

Bowo : I don’t know

Laksmana : Lho, why you don’t know?

Saddam : Laksmana we have a new job

Laksmana : Yap! We must help Bowo to tell about his love

Saddam : OK!

Bowo : Are you sure, you will help me my friends?

Saddam : Of course Bowo, as a friend we must help each other!

At different place (Kikie, Farah, Gina)

Farah : Hey Kie, why you smile alone like that?

Gina : Falling in love ya…

Kikie : Hush!

Farah : Be honest Kie!

Gina : Yes, you look falling in love to someone

Kikie : Ya.. You know in fact I’m falling in love to someone

Farah : With who? With who Kikie?

Kikie : I am shy to tell it

Gina : Ah… tell it to us Kikie

Farah : Don’t shy Kikie..

Kikie : hmmm

Gina : Eh Kie, are you reading a poem?

Farah : Wow poem about love

Gina : Poem for who is that?

Kikie : Gina, Farah, you know Bowo?

Farah : Of course he is the cleverest student at class..

Gina : You love to Bowo Kie?

Farah : Prikiitiw!!

Kikie : you mock me ah…

Gina : Don’t worry kie, we will help you

Farah : that is right Kikie!

Kikie : Seriously

Gina : yes kie

Kikie : Now, let’s go to the canteen!

Farah : Let’s go!


Kikie Reading a poem, romantic song playing


At the class..

Laksmana : Hey Bowo, Kikie and her friends are coming

Saddam : Express your love now Bowo!

Bowo : How can I do?

Laksmana : first you must talking something with Kikie

Saddam : yesterday you borrowed Kikie’s comic? Just talking about the comic Bow!

Bowo : That is good idea

Laksmana : Come to Kikie now Bowo!

Bowo : Ok, pray for me my friends…

Bowo : Hey Kie

Kikie : Hi Bowo come here

Farah : Hum Gin, I think we better go (whispering to Gina)

Gina : Yeh, we have to let them alone

Farah : Come on let’s go

Kiekie : Hey Gina, Farah, Where will you go?

Gina : We want go to the toilet

Kikie : Okay…

(Gina and Farah had gone)

Kikie : What’s the matter Bow?

Bowo : Here…. I just want to return it back to you (give the comic)

Kikie : Oh… How was the story?

Bowo : wow, it was interesting. Thanks Kikie

Kikie : Just that?

Bowo : Hmmm

(ringggg… The bell is ringing, Gina and Farah come)

Bowo : The bell’s ringing, I have to go

Kikie : Okay, Thanks Bowo

Bowo : You’re welcome

Laksmana : Bowo why you didn’t straightly tell the point?

Saddam : Yeah…

Laksmana : AH, you..

Bowo : All right. I’ll try again then

(Indah come to class)

Indah : Be quiet class. Back to your own desk. Assalamu’alaikum wr wb. Okay class, let’s begin.

(After the school end)

Gina : Hey, There’s Bowo

Farah : yeah, just close by him. While there’s a chance

Kikie : Uh yeah, please accompany me to meet him

Gina : Just yourself. If we accompany you, it must be not exciting

Kikie : Oh You! Why you don’t…

Farah : Oh just meet him now, quick!!

(Farah and Gina push Kikie toward to Bowo)

Bowo : Eh Kikie, what’s up?

Kikie : Ehm… ehm…

Saddam : Come on Kikie, let’s join us!

(Suddenly, Bowo’s phone ringing)

Irene talking : Bowo, go home now!

Bow : Why mom?

Irene : Quickly!!

Bowo : All right mom

Kikie : You want to go home now?

Bowo : Yes I have to go. We can talk next time.

Saddam & Laksmana : Yahhhh…

Bowo : Guys, Kikie, I’ll back tomorrow. Goodbye J


Bowo : Mummy Daddy, I am going home

Fazrin : Eh Bowo, You have go home

Irene : Come here Bowo

Bowo :Yes, Daddy mummy you need me?

Fazrin : Bowo, you know next week you will have national examination..

Irene : And we sure you will pass the examination, because you are a clever boy

Bowo : So? Daddy Mummy?

Fazrin : We have enrolled you at Oxford University of England Bowo..

Bowo : When, I will go to England Mummy Daddy?

Irene : You will go to England one week after you get national examination result

Bowo : It means I will leave my friends here?

Fazrin : That’s right Bowo..

( Fazrin & Irene leave Bowo)


Indah : Students, today we will held national examination, take a slice of paper!

Students : Yes ma’am..

(The test finish)

All of students pass the test

Bowo : Guys, next week I will go to England

Laksmana : So, How about Kikie?

Bowo : But I must make my parents happy..

Farah : Kie, Have you know that Bowo will move to England next week?

Kikie : Really???

Gina : Hmmm… You have to be patient, kie…


In Airport…

Bowo separating with his parents, teacher, and all his friends. When Bowo Separated with Kikie, he tells to Kikie what he feel..

Bowo : Kiki, did you know that I love you since long time ago?

Kikie : Huh? Bowo… Didn’t it?

Bowo : forgive me, I never tell it to you Kikie

Kiekie : I’m loving you too Bowo

Bowo : Kikie…

Kikie : Bowo, I have something for you (Giving a jacket) don’t forget me when you are in England!

Bowo : Kikie, I must go now

Kikie : I love you Bowo…